Saturday, September 12, 2020

Life - quite precious to undermine...

Masking up the Face,

Keeping up the Pace;

Competing the Race,

Playing up the Maze...

World today - pushing to bounce Back,

Slow - but yes - moving off the Rack;

While the Will takes over the Fear,

Each one needs to mind their Gear...

Challenging the Times,

Writing the Rhymes;

It's time to hold each other,

To step up ahead further...

It's a fall to climb back Upon,

A new beginning - A new life Born;

It's high time we respect Nature,

Not only the money earned & Stature...

While we underwent LockDown:

Rivers - continued to flow

Plants - continued to grow

Farmers - continued to sow

Sun - continued to shine

Life - yours & mine

Is quite Precious - to undermine...